Organizing Your Wardrobe

As you look into your closet or wardrobe, are you seeing a lot of pieces of clothing and accessories you never wear? If you answered “yes”, then this is a good sign it is time to do some major re-organization and here are four steps to creating an organized and updated wardrobe or closet for you.


Go through your current closet, wardrobe or dressers and put into a pile everything you no longer want, anything that does not fit and or anything you have not worn in the last year. After you sort out all of the items that you will be getting rid of, find a way to give your clothing away to someone else, donating the clothing or selling it online or at a sale. While it is tempting to hang on to pieces “just in case”, the reality is if you have not worn it in a year, it is unlikely you will wear it in the next year.


One easy way to give your closet or wardrobe a clean, unified and organized look is to invest in some quality clothing hangers that are slim but strong and all the same color. Consider hanging up your clothes up by color palette, by specific type of clothing or combining pieces to make outfits that hang together. Look for complementary hangers for pants, ties, scarves and even bikinis or swimsuits that will keep everything unwrinkled and easy to see.


Make sure you have an easy way to see and organize your shoes, hats, scarves or other accessories you might regularly be adding to your outfits. Common solutions include shoe boxes, shoe racks, hat racks or boxes and/or additional hangers specific for scarves or other accessories. If you have a jewelry collection that is out of control, one simple solution are jewelry dividers for drawers which can take an empty dresser drawer and turn it into an organized jewelry storage solution.


If you are looking at your closet or wardrobe and feel like there is still nothing you want to wear, then consider working with a personal stylist to update your wardrobe. You can find stylists at local department stores, some women’s boutiques and through online services. By working with someone who knows the questions to ask you, you can walk away with a new wardrobe at a price point you can afford.

After purging, refreshing, accessorizing and styling your closet, wardrobe or dressing area you will be ready to tackle each day feeling confident and excited for feeling and looking your best.